Bible Study of John 11 and Book Signing with John Dear, SJ.

Friday, February 24, 2012
7:00 p.m. to 9:00p.m.

Fr. John will lead us in a two-hour book study of John 11,
the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead.

Mother Louis Room
St. Joseph Center
480 S. Batavia, Orange, CA 92868

Free will Offering
Books will be available for sale.

For registration please contact:
Gerri Scharff, CSD Registrar:
(714) 744-3175 ext. 4409 or

John Dear’s ground-breaking new book, “Lazarus Come Forth!,” explores the story of the raising of Lazarus in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, and suggests that Lazarus represents “humanity” stuck in the culture of death, and that Jesus represents “the God of life” calling humanity out of the tombs, out of the culture of violence and war, into “the new life of resurrection peace.” This book invites us to carry on Jesus’ liberating work by obeying his commandments–to take away the stone that keeps us trapped in our violent culture of war, to call each other out of the tombs, to unbind one another and to set each other free to live in peace and nonviolence.

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