SAFE CA March & Gathering _Replace the Death Penalty_ at the Religious Education Congress

Please join us on Saturday March 24th at the Anaheim Convention Center

Catherine Huston
The Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty
The Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Public Policy & Social Concerns
(650) 344-2676

SAFE CA March 24th
Replace the Death Penalty

Saturday, March 24 Morning
Signs can be dropped off at Booth 612

11:00 – 11:15am
March committee gather at east door of Arena (closest to fountain) for the end of Fr. Greg Boyle’s conference
Fr. Greg has been asked to announce the SAFE CA March

Convergence of marchers at Arena

March begins with Sr. Helen Prejean around Fountain to Grassy Knoll
Music – Amazing Grace
Microphone – Greg
MC – Fr. George
Karen and students – clipboards-
handouts for church involvement in SAFE CA passage
Buttons and prayer cards hand-outs

Welcome – Fr. George
SAFE CA speaker – 3-5 minutes
Bishop Representation- 3-5 min.
Karen and Greg to introduce DMW
School Theatre Project and Mater Dei Students
Student actors – 5-7 minutes

Jan Urban SAFE CA Volunteer


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